PWA Cold Hawaii sum up
Well, this was an interesting week. As I didn't go through the trials in neither of the first two events I was super motivated to do it this time. I have always done good in Klitmøller and I hoped this year wouldn't be an exception. The first day there was some wind but not much waves so we did a super session instead of the trials. Then the waiting game begun. After have been waiting for 5 days it was finally on during the last day. I was in trials heat 3 and the first two heats showed that it wasn't easy conditions.
In my heat I manage to stay cool and get some good moves. I went through in to the main event and it was such a relief! Finally after trying and not making it everything came together and I did it.
In the main event I was up against Thomas Traversa. I'm super happy with my heat as I sailed better then I did in the trials. Unfortunately it wasn't enough but Thomas was ripping and went on to win the whole event so I can't complain!
Next up is Sylt. It feels so much easier going there now when I made it in Denmark and hopefully I can keep this trend!
Thanks to the organizers and the PWA for making the event happen. And to my sponsors, friends and Family for supporting me, I'm grateful!
Photos by Emma Häggström and John Carter
PWA Cold Hawaii pt. 1
Yesterday was the first day at the Kia Cold Hawaii PWA World Cup. After registration we managed to do a super session. It was ok wind from north east and small waves. I was on 5,6 and my 95 ltr Quantum. I had a good heat, landing some nice forwards and backies. Unfortunately I didn't land any one handed backies and air chachos I was going for. Well, I had fun and after the super session I got to sail the whole evening in side-off and getting some nice waves before dark.
It doesn't look amazing for the rest of the week but it can change during the week!
Fingers crossed
Backloop in the super session, Photo: Jose Pina
Forward sequence by Emma Häggström
Pod #6 - Canaries
The latest episode in my podcast is online, Enjoy!
Pod #6 - Canaries - Markus Rydberg from MacG Productions on Vimeo.
Simmer style 2015
The 2015 Simmer Style sail are now launched and hopefully in your local shop. Check to find your closest dealer! The new sails are great and make sure you get to try them out!
Sweden goes off
The last week Sweden has been really windy. Since I got back from Tenerife I have been sailing a lot. A few sessions in my home spot "Läjet" and one down in Vilshärad, Halmstad. That's a really good spot that I would like to sail a bit more in the future as it reminds me a bit of Klitmöller.
Photo: Pontus Ny
But the most memorable day was at one of my all time favourite spots called "Åsa". This spot works when it's straight on shore at home and pretty windy. The waves over there have a bit of punch and togheter with the cross on starboard tack wind it's pretty much my favourite conditions. I had a lot of fun that day and everybody out there was ripping!
Thanks for the photos: Henrik Olsson at
Swells, Mikael Linder, Pontus Ny, Emma Häggström and Gustaf Hellborg.

Poto: Pontus Ny

Photo: Pontus Ny

Photo: Mikael Linder

Photo: Mikael Linder

Photo: Henrik Olsson

Photo: Henrik Olsson

Photo: Mikael Linder

Photo: Gustaf Hellborg
Back home
I'm back home from the canaries. I had a great time except from the fact that I didn't go through the trials in any of the events. It was a shame as I felt good and had train hard. But in my heat there wasn't much wind or waves so I had a hard time coming up to my normal standards. But I'll guess that comes a bit with experience as well...
After the comp in Tenerife I got some nice training sessions and started to land 360s. I got some footage so I'm editing the next episode in my podcast.
Atm I'm back home and it's firing. Tomorrow seems to be a classic day. Hopefully I can get some pictures and video to share with you.
Keep rippin,
Tenerife pt.1 and Pozo sum up
Well, Pozo didn't really go as I had hoped for but I still had a great time with my friends and got some freesailing in as well. I even got the opportunity to commentate on the PWA live stream together with Ben Proffitt. That was an awesome experience and hopefully I'll get to do some more of it, as I liked it a lot!
Now I'm in Tenerife, preparing for the upcoming event here. I'm super motivated to sail here and really looking forward to do the trials! Yesterday I was out on 5,3 Blacktip and my 85 ltr Quantum. There were some small waves breaking and I got to know the spot a bit. Hopefully there will be some more wind today.
Stay tuned,
Commenting with Ben
Some Pozo shots, Thanks Fish Bowl Diaries for them!
Pozo pt. 3
Two days ago we were able to do three rial heats out of four. I was in heat number two and during our heat it was a bit hard as there were super onshore, really small waves and I was on 5,0 which was very on and off. I had a hard time getting my moves and didn't reach my normal standards, which was a shame because I have been training hard all year and am feeling good on the water. Well, I'm taking this experience with me for the next event. Now I know what I'm going to do different when the heat doesn't go as planned in the next comp. And I would like to congratulate all the riders going through the super tough trials!
These last days here in Pozo I'm going to concentrate on training and really enjoy being a part of all this which always has been my big dream!
A big thank you to all my sponsors and family for your support, I'm greatful!
Photo: Fish Bowl Diaries
Backloop from my PWA trial heat
Pozo pt. 2
The past days has been windier but there hasn't been much waves. The comp has started and yesterday there were some waves coming in but not enough to start the trials though. If the waves and wind are the same today we will probably get going.
Fingers crossed I'll sail a good heat and hopefully pass the stacked trials. I'm super motivated and will go for it!!
All the best,
Thanks to Fish Bowl diaries for the shots:
Pozo pt.1
Now I have been in Pozo for two days. It hasn't been pumping as I hoped for but yesterday I was out on my new 5,3 Simmer black tip. The new sails are working really good. Sailed them on Maui during the shoot too so knew what to expect. This year I will have the black and blue colour which I think looks sick!
It looks like there might be wind tonight and tomorrow, so hopefully I got to train a bit more before the event starts.
Keep you posted
Getting my new stuff ready for Pozo!
Sweden has been kind of lame since my last post. It has been pretty good weather and everyone is enjoying the summer but the wind isn't really coming through. It has been a few freestyle days and in the beginning of June we had a few decent days. But two decent days in almost two months isn't good enough.. Well in a week I'm off to Pozo and hopefully there is some good conditions and I'm super motivated to go big!
Here are some shots from one session in A-bay.
Photo: Emma Häggström and Pontus Ny
Summer mission
Sweden had some ok wind during the midsummer weekend. A bit too north to produce really good conditions but it still was fun to sail. I have a few shots from that but will upload them in another post.
I have been working a bit on the interior design in my new van. I'm happy how it came out. I can fit all my sails, boards, mast etc and can sleep in there without any problems. Now I'm ready to go for forcast based trips, comps and other stuff.
Big thanks to Tolle for helping me out!
Öland demo
Last weekend I went to a swedish island called Öland with for a demo. We had wind everyday and there was a lot of people stopping by testing some gear.
I manage to sail a lot my self and tested Simmer Styles freeride sail 2XC 7,8 and board Freemove 110ltr. I loved the combo and for being a wave sailor that hasn't really sailed freeride before I had a lot of fun. Kind of got hooked to go out with this big gear when it's light wind. There was a couple of marks out and I practiced gybes around them, super fun!
Hopefully the wind can kick in for real now so I can practice some waves!
Road trip
A couple of days ago there was a sick forcast for the south-east coast of Sweden. Strong north-east winds would hopefully set a spot called Gislövshammar on fire.. Me and my friend Gustav packed the van the night before and were on the road 6am the next day. 4 hours later we arrived and it looked good. I sailed the whole day and tested a new Simmer style board prototype. Can say that it's really good I really liked the board! Otherwise the conditions was good and a lot of guys were charging. My team mate Klaas Voget drove all the way from Germany to sail, and it was super fun to see him in Sweden!
It took some time to get in to it after more then a month without sailing and sailing this spot for the second time only. But I sailed better during the day and had a lot of fun!
This weekend I was on a swedish island called Öland for a and Simmer style demo. I had a good time but more of that in the next post!
Keep shredding
Here is a screenshot from a film session in Gislövshammar

New Ride!
Well Sweden hasn't really delivered the gods this spring. Can't remember last time it was this calm here.. It's really frustrating as I feel really good on the water atm and want to train more before the PWA season starts! Well, not that much you can do about it. In the meantime I have got a new ride. It's an Opel Vivaro that will take me to the sessions and euro-comps from now on. I'm super stoked and a big thanks to Ärlebo bil for your help!
Now my mission while waiting for wind is to rack it up inside and pimp it looks. Will keep you updated with it's transformation!
Stay tuned