Tenerife pt.1 and Pozo sum up
Well, Pozo didn't really go as I had hoped for but I still had a great time with my friends and got some freesailing in as well. I even got the opportunity to commentate on the PWA live stream together with Ben Proffitt. That was an awesome experience and hopefully I'll get to do some more of it, as I liked it a lot!
Now I'm in Tenerife, preparing for the upcoming event here. I'm super motivated to sail here and really looking forward to do the trials! Yesterday I was out on 5,3 Blacktip and my 85 ltr Quantum. There were some small waves breaking and I got to know the spot a bit. Hopefully there will be some more wind today.
Stay tuned,
Commenting with Ben
Some Pozo shots, Thanks Fish Bowl Diaries for them!
Maui sum up
As always Maui was amazing! I had an awesome time on the island shooting, sailing and doining other fun stuff together with friends.
The shoot was really a dream come true! Testing new gear, sailing with water photagrapher and hanging with the team. I enjoyed every second of it and can't wait till next time!
Thanks Jimmie Hepp for the shot!
Now it's back home to focus on training for the upcoming events. I feel that my trips to both South Africa and Maui really have helped me to get a higher level. My moves are more consistent and I have more power in them, I also have learned some new ones and feel super comfortable on my new gear!
Keep you posted,
Still Maui
Now I have one week left here on Maui. It has been a really nice trip this far and I have got to sail loads. I have been shooting a lot with Simmer Style so dont have that many pictures of me sailing my own kit.
My sailing is getting better and I feel more confident in my turns hitting it later with more speed etc.
I have also been on some nice adventures with my girlfriend and the rest of our huse mates. Yesterday we went to Hana checking out some sick waterfalls on the way.
The week I have left here seems to be windy so hopefully I can get to practice some more before I head back home to Sweden!
Stay tuned,
Maui, surfing, weddings and more
Been around for a week now and it is just amazing beeing here! I was sailing non spot and shooting with Simmer Style the first four/five days but then the wind disappeared and we have been having two days off now. Yesterday was a nice surfing day, with a morning and an evening session at Hookipa with some friends!
Other then that there has been a lot of engagement and wedding events going on. The other day my friends Stef and Sarah got engaged, and today I went to Thousand peaks for a paddle out wedding ceremoni for Casey Hauser and now Sarah Hauser. Big congratulations to both couples!
Haleakala proposal
It looks liek there will be some wind and waves comming next week, but hopefully we'll get some wind tomorrow!
Keep rippin,
Sailing, shooting and swimming
Been on Maui for a few days now. I have been sailing everyday and it looks like today will bring some wind aswell.
It is super fun to be doing the shoot. Feels a bit surreal as I allways have wanted to do one! Yesterday we were at Hookipa sailing the whole day. In the end it started raining and the win died so I had to swim pretty much from lanes, up to middles and the in by the break. Was pretty tired after that, haha!
In a bit I'm off to Hookipa to check out the conditions and I'm super motivated to go bigger today and really try to get good shots!
Keep ya'll posted,
Happy to be back on land! Thanks Ben Proffit for the photo :)
Pod #3 - Recovery
Now I'm on Maui. Today is the start of the Simmer Style photoshoot, exiting....
...So exiting i thought I should drop the latest episode in my video podcast. MacG Productions followed me in Sweden as I was recovering from a small injury I got in South Africa. I worked really hard and trained a lot in the gym together with a physio. I also got a few day on the water but mainly like 5,6 and small waves. But it was perect to feel out my knee and if the rehab had worked. Other than that I played some icehockey and enjoyed a ski trip.
Well, hopefully I will have some action shoots from Maui for you online soon!
Pod #3 - Recovery from MacG Productions on Vimeo.
Cape Town #6 - sum up / Pod #2
I have been home in Sweden for about a week now. I really liked South Africa and the sailing there, even though we didn't score the best season. I only sailed on my 4,2 four times during January, which is a bit unusual from what I understand. Anyway, I feel that I have improved my port tack sailing during this trip. I'm really happy about this am super motivated to go and sail more port tack and push harder!
Besides the sailing I really enjoyed Cape Town. The contrast between the beach vs big city life was super cool. I don't think there is many places in the world you get both of these worlds that close to each other. There is also a lot of awesome nature and you never get bored becuase there is always something to do if there is no wind. I will definitely go back!
Here comes the second episode in my podcast series. Even though the camera wasn't on the beach during the best sessions I'm still happy with what we got on camera. I had a lot of fun doing this one and l hope you like it!
Pod #2 Cape Town from MacG Productions on Vimeo.
Cape Town #4 - Sunset
This week has been pretty good. Not really that strong wind I hoped for but a lot of 4,7 weather and nice waves. I have been sailing in Melkboss, Witsands and Sunset. The best day lately must have been yester day in Sunset beach. Offshore and clean waves that were holding up nicely! Usually in Sunset it's pretty much just one good section before it closes out, but not this evening. I sailed for a few hours and had really fun! I'm really getting into the portack riding now. My timing, speed and power has got a lot better and am really close to landing the goiters and 360's now. Hopefully I'll stick em soon!
There has been a lot of shark spotting lately as well. I have seen a great white taking a bird for a snack, and every third session, pretty much, there is someone that have seen a shark...
Now there has not been windy for a few days, but this weekend it looks like it will come back strong. And next week looks really good. Hope there is enough for some jumping in Witsands since I really want to practice my portack jumping!
Keep you posted,
Cape Town #3, Exploring
After that sick day down in Witsands we had a couple of days with sailing back at Sunset and Melkboss. The wind were pretty light and it was mostly riding. It is really nice to get in to the grove in proper portack riding since I haven't done it for a while. Now I'm starting to really be able to read the wave to make airs and good hits etc. Now I'm looking forward to get some juming days soon, really want to practice that as well!
Getting in to the portack groove.
After that the wind disapeard for a while and the house crew went to do some turist stuff. We went up Lions head wich was awesome even though we didn't catch the best sunset ever. The day after we went for a tour around the Cape Town area. First we went to the city to walk around stores etc, then off to Chapmans peak which offerd a beutiful scenery. After that we went to Simons town to check out the Penguins who's living on the beach there.
Driving on the left side, sketchy...
Now it looks like the wind will come back, really keen to get some windsurfing now!
Keep you posted,
Cape Town #2, unexpected session
Yesterday was a pretty damn good day!
The day before we had been waiting for wind in Witsands for ages without any result. So when the forcast pretty much looked the same we weren't to keen to do the drive down for possibly another day of waiting. But we got some texts that said it was good so we decided to give it a try.
When we did arrive it didn't actually look that good. Light wind, pretty small waves and super crowded on the water. We checked it out for a bit and almost went out, but then Friis said that we could drive down to check if Scarborough looked better. On the way down we past a spot and it was firing! Plus mast high set were coming through and it looked really windy. We pulled over and there were a few others also considering going out there. Well it looked to good to miss so we took our gear and went out.
nice sets came through
Out on the water I had so much fun.
First I sailed the downwind break where the waves was a bit bigger but more choppy. Then I went upwind and it was a bit more offshore and the waves were cleaner and more hollow.
I sailed for three hours and could pick any wave I wanted as there were so few people out. I was stacked on my 4,2 Blacktip and 85 ltr Quantum, but were in full control all the time and when I crashed I wasn't worry about breaking my kit at all. So good and reliable gear!
This was definitely a day to remember as it was so unexpected! Everybody out there seemed to have fun an were charging. Bith thanks goes to Mads Bang for the photos!
Stay tuned for more,
Cape Town #1
I have been down here in Cape Town for almost a week now. The conditions has not been super good but I manage to get some sailing in. There were especially one day in Big Bay that was really good. Full on 4,2 and logo to mast high waves. I didn't sail that good as I was a bit confused with the new spot and how to sail it. But were close on some 360's and goiters, and together with some backloops I guess it was a ok first session. The other ones were with 5,0 and small waves. Went to sail Melkboss one of those and I actually had really fun riding the small waves and made the best out of it.
Today the forcast said north-east winds and decent waves, so we drove down to Witsands to get some sailing. When we came down it wasn't really happening so we waited around for a bit. The conditions didn't kick in so we went surfing in Muizenburg after almost 3 hours of waiting. Over there it was fun with clean waves and then I had a nice falafel to finish it off!
Goiter in Melkboss
Other then chasing wind and waves I have been working out a lot as well. Matt who's staying in our house is a educated personal trainer so he drills me pretty good. I really like working out and it feels great being in shape to be able to sail harder and longer when the wind is on!
The Simmer Style car ready to go after wind and waves!
The forcast looks good for the end of the week so hopefully I can get some good sessions done!
Keep you posted/
Last day in Sylt
Today is the last day on the PWA World Cup here in Sylt. We have been pretty unlucky with wind and waves but manage to do both slalom and freestyle. But for us wave sailors it's been ten days of waiting. Either way I have had a fun time here and I'd like to thank my family, sponsors for supporting what I do. and also thank the organizers and the PWA for a great event! Hopefully we'll have better luck with the conditions next year!
Now, it's back to Sweden to work and hopefully get some more sailing and comps done before the winter kicks in...
Keep you posted,

PWA Sylt day 3,4 & 5
It's been some lame days here in Sylt if you are a wave sailor. It has been offshore winds since day one and don't seems to change utill Sunday så hopefully we might can go in the water then!
In the meantime I have been training a bit to keep fit and in shape if the comp is on on Sunday, hanging on FB, other internet stuff, chilling out with friends and drinking a lot of coffe..
Hopefully I'll be able to post some action shots after this weekend but you never know..
Keep you posted,
Pijoan the runner
Alessio and Moritz killing time..
PWA Sylt day 2
At the moment it's really light wind here in Sylt and the forcast does'nt look to good for the rest of the week. Yesterday I took time to rig my gear and put the event stickers on the sails without any stress at all so I'm ready if the wind kicks in. Other then that it's just hours of chillng in the riders tent, a bit of running to keep my body fresh and yeah, just waiting basically. In the evening I went to the premier of Bellow the Surface movie. I did really enjoy it and will definately see it again!
Keep you posted,
The riders in Bellow the Surface
PWA Sylt day 1
So Klitmoller is over and today it was time to head for Sylt. It's been a pretty intense day so far, I was supposed to start driving from my home in Varberg to Sylt at 5am, but I woke my self up at 5,30 realizing I hadn't heard the alarm... So I jumped into my clothes, said goodbye to Emma and hit the road immediately. I got stuck in traffic in Copenhagen and after that I had to speed really fast and not stop once to make it to the registration! I made it just in time, and at the same time I sorted a place to stay - thanks Albert, Antoine, Jules and Justin for letting me stay at your place!
After that it was time for the opening ceremony. It was pretty cool getting called up to the stage alone (since I'm the only Swedish compeditor) in front of at least 500 spectators. Definitely something I'll remember.
The forecast looks windy but from south-east. Not the ideal direction to get waves but hopefully it will change and the wave fleet will be able to hit the water, I'll keep you posted!
So, finally it's time to calm down after this crazy day... I'm stoked to be here and can't wait for some conditions to kick in!
17th in Klitmøller and soon off to Sylt
Just got back from a nice week in Klitmøller. After a long week of waiting we finally had some wind on the final day to run the single elimination. Since I'd qualified through the trials I was up against Thomas Traversa. I didn't sail my best heat, actually I'm pretty disappointed of my performance. It's no problems that I'd got kicked out by Thomas but I wanted to at least be happy with my sailing.. Well, I'm still happy to have made it to the main event and grabbing 17th place. It even got in to the local newspaper!
Now I'm off to Sylt for the next PWA World Cup. Will be super fun to go there for my very first time and see what it's all about! Will do my very best and hopefully make it in to the main event again!
Will keep you posted!

Pwa world cup Cold Hawaii day 2 and 3
Two days ago we had some nice wind and waves here in Klitmøller! We started the day with skippers meeting at 6.30 in the morning. The wind was too light to start the comp. we were on hold until around 3 pm and then the trial were on. I was in the second heat and got to try out the conditions before my heat started. The wind was pretty offshore witch meant that it was super light wind on the inside. Because of the light wind I was really careful with my wave choice. I got a couple of good waves and manage to go through. I am super stoked about that and now I am up against Thomas Traversa. It will be super hard but I'll do my absolute best to go through!
Right now it looks like Saturday is the only day with wind so I hope the forcast is right!
Keep you posed,

PWA cold hawaii World Cup day 1
Good morning!
Yesterday was a long day of waiting. The wind filled in sometimes but went away just as fast. I'm in the second trial heat against Albert Pijoan, Stefan Gobish and Fabian Weber. It is a tough heat but I will do my absolute best and hopefully go through! During the day I'd got interviewed by Ben and Mikael on the PWA live stream. It was super fun! Today we had the skippers meeting at 6.30 am and are at the moment on hold waiting for the wind. Hopefully it will fill in and we can hit the water soon!
Keep you updated,

On my way to the PWA World Cup Cold Hawaii
Right now I am on the ferry over to Denmark. I am super pumped to do my absolute best and hopefully qualify to the main event through the trials.
As you all might know there was no wind in Pozo so that's make me want to sail hard even more!
I have been sailing pretty much at home even though it has been a really windless summer and am happy about my sailing atm. I have also been working out a lot in the gym so I feel in very good shape too.
It looks like it will be some wind early in the week so I'll keep you updated!
Shoots from the PWA Pozo super session
Pretty light wind and small waves made it a bit hard to find ramps..