PWA World Cup Pozo 2013 sum up
Now I am back home in Sweden after three weeks on Gran Canaria and participating in the first PWA event of the year. As you probably know there was absolutely no wind during the first five days of the event. But on the last day there was enough wind to do an expression session. I sailed pretty good during my heat but had a hard time finding nice ramps. After a couple of nice forwards and backies I was searching for a suitable ramp for trying the double forward. I went for two but crashed..
I didn't advance to the final but am pleased with how I sailed.
Even thought there wasn't that much wind during the event I had a great time. It was super fun to meet some friends I haven't seen for a while and to meet some new nice people!
I really want to thank all my sponsors for their help and support making all of this happen, and also the organizers, PWA and all the sailors that made this a great event!
Next up is Tenerife in a bit more then two weeks. I can't wait to go there and sail my very best in the trails which I hopefully get a chance to do!
Keep you posted,
Photo: JC/PWA and Lisa

PWA Pozo day 3 and 4
Still no action here in Pozo. Today was a bit promising but the wind did not really show up. It looks like it might be some wind and waves for tomorrow evening and sunday. Crossing my fingers that it will be enough to do the comp!
Keep you posted,
Rigged my gear today so I'll be ready when the wind comes!
PWA Pozo day 2
Just another waiting day...
PWA Pozo day 1
Yesterday was the first day f the PWA world cup here in Pozo. That meant registration, opening ceremony and then waiting for wind. Unfortunately there was no action and at 16.00 they called it a day. Today it seems to be similar to yesterday but you never know with this place.
Now I know who I'm up against in the trails. I'm in the first heat of the contest together with Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / North), Tuomo Naalisvaara (Starboard / Severne) and Florian Jung (RRD / Gun Sails / Maui Ultra Fins). I will do my absolute best to go through!
Will keep you posted,
PWA Pozo is coming up
Tomorrow the PWA world cup kicks off here in Pozo, Gran Canaria. I'm stoked and can't wait for tomorrow! It has allways been a dream for me to compete against the best sailors in the world and I do really appriciate every minute of it! This year the mens fleet has been cut down from 48 to 32 sailors, so for me to get into the main event will be through the trails. Due to the major cut down the trails is stacked with sailors that rips hard, so it's going to be a tough one!
Anyway, I am super motivated and do really look forward to do my best here in Pozo!
Will keep you updated,
Here are some shoots from my last decent session before the comp:
Pozo training
After my latest post we had like three more days of solid wind here in Pozo. But yesterday was pretty much a lay day and today seems to be calm too. It's a bit frustrating as I felt that I really was starting to sail good in the strong wind. My jumps were getting higher, my riding more aggressive and I was trying some new nice moves.
My gear is working great and my body is in good shape after working out a lot during the winter, so hopefully the wind and waves comes back soon so I can practice some more before the trails to the PWA event here in Gran Canaria kicks off!
Stay tuned for more,
Proper Pozo
After a pretty lame first week of my trip to Gran Canaria, have the famous wind here in Pozo finally kicked in.
After spending my last three last trips on Maui I'm not really used to be sailing full on port tack. But I am getting there. I have mostly been on 4,0 Firelight and it has been powered up to say the least. But I really like the range of that sail, it does not matter how over powered you are, the sail is still super stable and keeps the profile nicely! As well as my 76 and 84 Quatro Tempo Twin is super calm while speeding towards the ramps, turns tight and are super stable sliding through takas. The moves is comming together more and more. Backies, takas, stalled forwards is there and I am really close to land the wave 360. Today it is windy again and I will work on to get more hight and on the tweaked pushloops. It is a pretty weird feeling to know all the moves in starboard tack, but when doing them on port it is like I never have tried them before...
Time to shred,
Yesterday I manage to get an evening seion in Vargas. I went out o my 4,5 HSM Firelight and 84 Quatro tempo.
With the low tide coming in there was some clean waves I could ride just in front of the beach. The fact that it was breaking that close to the shore and the pretty light wind made it was pretty hard to get decent jumps.
Anyway, I had fun and my gear felt really good! today it looks like Vargas will work again and then for the rest of the week it looks like Pozo will be windy...
Stay tuned for more,
Here is some shots from yesterday.
First days in Pozo
Finally I'm back in Pozo. Last time I was here was in February/Mars 2010 and then I only had one good day with wind. So this time I do really look forward to sail with full power in my 3,7 Firelight!
But, it hasn't been windy in Pozo since I came. Just had one day with mellow 5,0 and small waves. Feels like I'm cursed here, haha.
Well, It seems like it is windy up in Vargas, so I will rent a car and go there to get some sailing today.
Stay tuned for more!
Home comming
Now my third trip to Maui has come to an end and it has as been an awesome trip. I have learnd a lot and my wave riding has got much better. Now I'm able to time the wave better and learnd some new moves.
I want to thank everyone who made this trip great!
Will do a post with some pictures later:
Luuv /Mac
No wind days
Thare has been some days without wind and waves, so we have been foing a lot of other stuff. One day we drove on Hana highway and stopped by water falls to do some jumps and dove in some sick caves. Was pretty scary to squeeze through a tiny hole and swim around in a pitch black cave...
It actually felt pretty nice having a bit of a rest becuase ysterday I felt super hungry for some windsurfing and had a really fun time on the water. Will post some pictures from that session later.
Luuv /Mac
Mike is the most crazy cliff jumper on planet earth!
Windy Maui
The last week has been windy pretty much everyday. Today the wind was really strong. I had my 4,5 on repair so I had to sail with my 5,0 which was way to big so I didn't sail good at all. But the other days has been fun and I have had some good rides. Have been sailing on the Quatro Ls Quad 84 a few days, since my board where on repair aswell, and it is a really nice board. Thanks to the guys at FWD Hawaii for helping me out! Tomorrow I'll be back on my Tempo twin and it will be interesting to feel the difference between the two boards.
After tomorrow it will be calm for a few days so it will be full on sailing all day!
Here are a few pictures from the last days:
A Mac on the rocks, please
The last few days the north shore has been fireing! Yesterday some where even out sailing Jaws...
Two days ago I ended up on the rocks at Hookipa. The sail and mast broke and I did get some dings on my board. Felt prety shit to end up there, but it was the first time I did it and trashed that much gear so it probably was a good experience somehow. The day after I went and sailed Kanaha becuase Hookipa was closing out. I had a super fun session and got some really long rides! Worked on my takas and I am really close to nail them in these conditions now...
Today it was crazy at hookipa, strong off-shore wind and BIG waves. I went out and ended up on the rocks again...... Shit! It probably was a good thing that I went there the other day becuase I swam to the right place and my gear was allright appart from a scratch on the batten pocket. It didn't felt as bad to end up there as last time, becuase a lot of guys trahed their gear today...
Tomorrow it looks like the swell will drop a bit so I am really looking forward to go out there again and gain some confident!!
See you out there /Mac
Rock climbing
Lifestyle shooting
Yo! It has been a bit quiet on the wind side a few days now, but today we scored some action at Hookipa and the rest of the week looks windy and wavey, Sweet!
We have been shooting a lot of lifestyle while there hasn't been windy. This is something I really enjoy to shoot. It is really hard to find things that gives a nice vibe and make it look artistic, but when you get a nice shot that you know will be good for an edit it feels great!
Big luuv/ Mac
We stay at pretty sick place!!
Small and light Hookipa
West side
Yesterday we went over o the west side of Maui to catch the wind. Unfortunately the wind didn't really kick in so we drove to Honuloa bay and chilled out in Lahaina instead. It is pretty nice just walking around and look at clothes in the surfshops sometimes. After that we drove to little beach and chilled out at the beach party where they have fireshows etc every sunday. Super chilled day!
In mid week it looks like we wil get som wind and waves. Nice, becuase I really want to go windsurfing now!
Luuv / Mac
Breakfast, Hookipa, Dinner, sleep.
We have had some good days at Hookipa lately. Me and Gustav have been there all day, every day allmost. Finally I am starting to read the wave good and are able to hit aireal sections and do cutbacks in more critical parts. I am also working on my goiters and takas. Feels godd becuase the way I sailed the first days disappointed me a bit. Other then being out on the water sailing we have been filming riggingvideos for my sail sponsor Hot Sails Maui, hanging out with our friends Tom and Mike, and been filming lifestyle for our own videos.
We had a bit of problem with our SD-cards a few days ago. Even though we had erased all files on the card it still said it was full and couldn't be used. But we got a tip to formate it in the camera and after we did that it worked, Nice!
Todaywe are probably going to the west side of Maui becuase it is north winds that is pretty much dead onshore at Hookipa and the other north shore spots. Will be an adventure and I'll keep you posted!
Luuv /Mac
Thanks Tom for the pictures!
Getting into the groove
Today I had a nice day at hookipa. A bit smaller then yesterday but good power in 5,0. I am starting to get more into the side-shore groove, I can feel it was a long time since I sailed these kind of conditions...
Yesterday I twisted my foot when I got stuck in the back strap during a crash. It ain't that bad as I first thought and it didn't hurt to bad during the session session today, which is a good sign!
Tomorrow looks windy and we will sail Hookipa or and probably try to do some jumping aswell, stay tuned!
Big luuv,
Hookipa session
Now I have been on the island for a couple of days. I am rid of my jet leg and have sorted out some stuff like sim-card, food shopping etc, and yesterday I had my first session. It was pretty light but I had a lot of fun and it was nice to be playing in the water.
Today it looked like it was going to be windy all day so me, Gustav and the HSM team were at Hookipa around 10.30 to be able to get some sailing before it was to crowded. But the wind didn't really kicked in so we just chilled out on the hill and waited. The wind did pick up a little but there where to many surfers to go out sailing, so we went to Kanaha and for a session with our friends Tom and Mike. After two hours of sailing there we went back to check Hookipa. The wind was stronger and most of the surfers were gone so we headed out. Even though it wansn't that big it was super nice, and be just 4 people in the break was awesome!
Tomorrow looks windy so hopefully we'll get some god sailing and footage for ya'll to see. /Mac

Stoked to be back on Maui
Yesterday me and Gustav landed in Maui. We started off with a super early flight from Gothenburg to London, then London to Los Angeles, and then Los Angeles to Kahului. We had some problems with delays and in Los Angeles it was pretty tight. But we manage to re check in our bags and came just in time for boarding. Overall the trip went super smooth and our gear showed up in one piece, which was great!
It looks like the wind will come back and stay for a while this weekend, and I'm really exited to hit the water and try my new gear!
I can't say nothing else but that I'm stoked to be back on Maui!
Luuv/ Mac