Spinloop video
Here is a video of me doing a spinloop on a ordinary day in my home spot Läjet. Enjoy!
Ps, here is a nice intervew of Leon Jamer who won th Red Bull Soulwave. And there it looks like I came in 9th place at their result list, nice! :) Ds.
Red Bull Soulwave 2012 Sum Up.
Red Bull Soulwave 2012 is over. Two days ago we had some nice conditions for both windsurfing and SUP. In the SUP comp I advanced to the quaterfinals before the wind picked up. I rigged my sails and went out to warm up before my heat. Somehow i manage to cut my toe pretty deep on the reef 10 minutes before my first heat. It was bleeding a lot and I had to put it together with ducktape just before the heat started.. I manage to go through my heat so I was happy but a little worried cuz it was still bleeding a lot. I redid the quick fix of my toe before the quaterfinal and went out. Despite landing a big backie and getting good waverides I lost against Björnå and Gobish. After that I went straight to the hospital and got 5 stiches in my toe.... :p In the end i finished at 9th place in the windsurfing catagory, which I'm happy with!
Yesterday the wind was gone so the SUP ladder got finnished. I couldn't go in the water with my toe so I didn't get any more points in the over all.
I would like to thank Red Bull and the organisers for pulling off an awesome event and my sponsors HotSailsMaui (.se) and O'hana.se for their help! I am allready looking forward for next years event!
I would like to thank Red Bull and the organisers for pulling off an awesome event and my sponsors HotSailsMaui (.se) and O'hana.se for their help! I am allready looking forward for next years event!
Luuv/ Mac

Photo:Lisa Rydberg
On hold!
Idag är det första dagen här på Red Bull Soulwave. Det är många som är med och det verkar bli en tuff tävling... Prognosen ser lovande ut för vindsurf imon, så idag sätter förhoppningsvis sup-stegen igång om vågorna ökar lite.
Så stay tuned!!!
Atm we are on hold here at Red Bull Soulwave but hopefully the SUP ladder will get started today. The forcast is good for tomorrow so if everything goes as planned the windsurfing ladder starts tomorrow! :)
Stay tuned/ Mac
Off to Denmark and social media
Yo! Imorgon bär det av till Danmark. Ska bli kul att köra och vara med i Red Bull Soulwave. Riktigt feta namn så som Koster, voget, danielsen och Jamer ska vara med, så jag känner ingen jättepress att komma långt... Ska försöka hålla er uppdaterade därifrån.
Jag har också skaffat Twitter och Instagram. Följ mig gärna! :)
Instagram: @markusrydberg Twitter: @markus_rydberg.
Nedan är några bilder från en morgonsession jag hade igår, Peace
Tomorrow I'm off to Denmark. It's gonna be great to sail there again and be in the Red Bull Soulwave. Heavy names like Koster, Voget and Jamer is in the comp, so I dont feel any pressure at all, Just going there, sail my best and have fun!
I have started both a twitter and instagram account. Please follow me at instagram: @markusrydberg and Twitter: @markus_rydberg to see what and how I am doing at the event and more! :)
Bellow is some pics from yesterdays early sesh, Peace!

Funny face thru a one handed forward.... :)

Lil G bails with style!
Jag har också skaffat Twitter och Instagram. Följ mig gärna! :)
Instagram: @markusrydberg Twitter: @markus_rydberg.
Nedan är några bilder från en morgonsession jag hade igår, Peace
Tomorrow I'm off to Denmark. It's gonna be great to sail there again and be in the Red Bull Soulwave. Heavy names like Koster, Voget and Jamer is in the comp, so I dont feel any pressure at all, Just going there, sail my best and have fun!
I have started both a twitter and instagram account. Please follow me at instagram: @markusrydberg and Twitter: @markus_rydberg to see what and how I am doing at the event and more! :)
Bellow is some pics from yesterdays early sesh, Peace!

Funny face thru a one handed forward.... :)

Lil G bails with style!
Waiting for wind and Red Bull Soulwave
Det märks att Sverige inte levererar riktigt lika mycket vind som Maui, haha..
Men imorgon verkar det bli vind så då hoppas jag att jag får köra av mig lite!
Över midsommar ska jag vara med på Red Bull Soulwave. Det är en kombinerad vindsurfing och SUPtävling. Det ska bli riktigt kul och jag hoppas på att vi har tur med vinden!
Hoppas jag får lite bilder från imorgon som kan komma upp här!
No doubt that Maui is more consistent then Sweden, haha. But tomorrow seems to bring some wind I and would love to get back on the board again!
Next week I will participate in Red Bull Soulwave. It is a combined windsurf an SUP comp and I am exited to be competeing in both! Lets pray for wind..
Big Luuv / Mac

Det märks att Sverige inte levererar riktigt lika mycket vind som Maui, haha..
Men imorgon verkar det bli vind så då hoppas jag att jag får köra av mig lite!
Över midsommar ska jag vara med på Red Bull Soulwave. Det är en kombinerad vindsurfing och SUPtävling. Det ska bli riktigt kul och jag hoppas på att vi har tur med vinden!
Hoppas jag får lite bilder från imorgon som kan komma upp här!
No doubt that Maui is more consistent then Sweden, haha. But tomorrow seems to bring some wind I and would love to get back on the board again!
Next week I will participate in Red Bull Soulwave. It is a combined windsurf an SUP comp and I am exited to be competeing in both! Lets pray for wind..
Big Luuv / Mac